The quality of the JOOSSOOR GROUP's products and services is reflected in its ability as a Group, regardless of the business sector of its companies, to meet the explicit and implicit requirements of its customers.

The quality of the products and services of the JOOSSOOR Group is reflected in its ability as a Group, regardless of the sector of activity of its companies, to meet the explicit and implicit requirements of its customers.

Thus, in 2010 the President of the Republic's Prize for the promotion of quality was awarded to our company MAKLADA Sa.

Many actions are constantly implemented within the JOOSSOOR Group, the main objectives of which are to improve its competitiveness, its internal organization, its adaptation to its environment and to regulatory and commercial developments.


The JOOSSOOR GROUP firmly believes in the importance of an HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) policy.

The JOOSSOOR Group has chosen to identify the risks associated with its activities, has defined safety rules applicable to its employees, customers and subcontractors, and has secured its infrastructures.

Thus, every year, with a view to continuous improvement, the Joossoor Group draws up a prevention plan making it possible to define the actions to be carried out and their associated objectives.


The JOOSSOOR GROUP places innovation at the heart of its strategy.

Businesses today, more than ever, need to innovate to ensure their growth and maintain their leadership position in the market. 

JOOSSOOR, a certified group

International certifications and homologations: ASQPE « Europe and North Africa », CARES « United Kingdom », PTI « USA », DCL « Dubai for the Middle East »

Quality Management: Integrated certification ISO 9001:2015, 14001 et 18001

The JOOSOOR group is ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certified for all our commercial companies and production plants.

Innovative, rapid
solutions and precise

The quality of the JOOSSOOR Group's products and services is reflected in its ability as a Group, regardless of the sector of activity of its companies, to meet the explicit and implicit requirements of its customers.


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